Service Cargo

Our Service
Our framework is easy to understand, our cutting edge bundle innovation, you need no preparation before utilizing any of our highlights.
Freight Forwarding
RapidLane Courier partners with Aero Contractors to afford you unbeatable, speedy, convenient and safe air freight cargo delivery to all parts of the world.
Packaging & Storage
We engage in warehousing and storage facilities for general merchandies, we generally handle cargo by storing.
Shipment Tracking
We deliver, you track your consignment with our high tech tracking system
Truck Delivering
We are specialist in truck loadin and cargo delivery in time. we offer a rapid response services as well as an on time gurantee.
Our Features
We offer Various Features to get you covered

Get one step ahead of your competition and reaching your customers with the strength of the RapidLane Courier global network.

RapidLane Courier
Our Pricing
Get one step ahead of your competition and reaching your customers with the strength of the RapidLane Courier network.
PK 1
  • 4000 kg load
  • 425 kg / pallet
  • Warehousing
  • Free Packaging
  • 24/7 support
PK 2
  • 4000 kg load
  • 425 kg / pallet
  • Warehousing
  • Free Packaging
  • 24/7 support
PK 3
  • 4000 kg load
  • 425 kg / pallet
  • Warehousing
  • Free Packaging
  • 24/7 support
PK 4
  • 4000 kg load
  • 425 kg / pallet
  • Warehousing
  • Free Packaging
  • 24/7 support